Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Scale horror

I have an awesome weight loss partner. We'll call her LL because I love LL Cool J. She lost 160 pounds years ago, and today she's healthy and weight-conscious. As inspiration to help me stop ignoring my (horrific) weight gain, I voluntarily sent her a pic of my weigh-in each morning. I did this for months. Did I mention voluntarily?

This was the first pic. 

No, I didn't want to cry or crumple into a chocolate puddly heap on the floor when I saw that number. I was actually OK because the number was 321 just a few days before. So yes, 318 represents a 3 pound LOSS for me at this time. 321 was my highest weight ever. 

Fat Girl Headshot

Yep, that's me. At my highest weight. I avoided full body photos at the time, so you'll have to forgive that most of my photos make me look thinner than reality.

Also, you'll see me make mention of "fat" on here because I'm not in denial about my appearance. In my mind, I'm not destined to be fat forever. I'm just an overweight woman transitioning to thin. But I like the word fat. It has three letters. It's easy to type with one hand. It's funny to say out loud. Let's get comfortable with that word. Let's make it our own.

But don't get used to that cute round face. Soon it will be unrecognizable. Let's do it.